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Stray from your daily commute

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Everyone has a fixed route they take every day to work, and back home. Everything is counted and calculated. Try to get off the bus (or other public transport that you use) a couple of stops before your usual stop, and walk home for the remaining distance. This will not only give a chance to take a glimpse of your wider neighborhood, which you might have missed exploring all these years, but you will also get an idea about how much you can comfortably cover on foot.

Explore a nearby city for a day

Weekends are your days off, offering you the time to relax, chill out with friends, watch movies, spend time with family; all understood! But why not take a short trip one coming the weekend, and travel to a nearby city to spend a day alone. Give yourself time to explore the city, observe the people there, get to know the streets, and do whatever else you think you need to know about that place, focusing especially on the things you never bothered to learn about earlier.

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Go on a local day hike

If your trip destination is into the hills, this is one of the best ways to kick-start your preparations. Take a day off from your routine, get your backpack ready (snack, water bottles, medication box, etc.), and leave for the nearest hill for a day’s hike. This will serve as a kind of simulation training.

Do a lone activity

Eating out all by yourself can get really sad for some, that’s understood! But since you will be heading for a solo trip, you may have to face this situation during your trip. Go out and indulge in one or other of the activities that you generally do with friends or family. Watch a movie in the theatre, have a fine gourmet meal, attend a fair; get used to doing things without someone accompanying you.

Try approaching random people

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So you approached the girl or guy you were infatuated with, and things turned out…. well, let’s say, not so good! Don’t let your college experiences haunt you for your entire life. Try to approach people to see if you can initiate some conversation. Now, asking the direction for the nearest restaurant isn’t going to offend anyone, would it?

Try the share and care routine

 While on your journey, there will be times when you will have to share the space with other travelers. So if you have been in the habit of having your own room, own bed, own shower; well, that’s going to go for a toss here. Make a stay over at one of your friends’ places and see how you take the sharing concept. Get used to it!

Know everything about the destination

Just dropping at the decided destination without doing a thorough study about the place is always a bad idea, especially when you are traveling alone. It is always beneficial to know a thing or two about the city or the country you are planning to take a trip to. This will help you filter the spots you would want to see, once you are there, and will save time.

Pack according to your needs

While on a trip, always try to travel as light as possible. Your backpack must only have the essentials you are likely to need during your sojourn. Medical supplies, food, and other general stuff are usually easily available in any city you visit; if you are traveling into the wilderness of forests or mountains, then you’ll need to be more careful and carry more with you. A little bit of research about the destination, thus, comes in handy for this purpose too.

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How to Prepare Yourself for a Solo Trip